Resources from the Field

The views reflected in these publications are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Grantmakers for Education.

April 2021 | Family Voices: Building Pathways from Learning to Meaningful Work
Carnegie Corporation of New York and Gallup

A national survey reveals a disconnect between the opportunities families want for their children and the postsecondary pathways available to them.

April 2021 | Immigrant and U.S.-Born Parents of Young and Elementary-School-Age Children: Key Sociodemographic Characteristics
Migration Policy Institute

Parents play a critical role in supporting the school readiness and educational success of their children—a role that took on even greater importance with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and the associated shift to remote learning.

April 2021 | Investing in the Power of Young People: 20 Years of Philanthropic Support for Youth Organizing
The Funders' Collaborative on Youth Organizing

This report evaluates the critical role philanthropy has played in shoring up a youth organizing field poised to meet the multiple challenges of this moment.

April 2021 | Investments in Implicit and Explicit Dimensions of Place-Based Systems Change: A Tool for Funder Reflection and Action
Mathematica and Equal Measure

This tool is intended to help funders who have elected to invest in place-based systems change strategies assess the extent to which their strategic intent, culture, and capacity can support complementary dimensions of systems change.

April 2021 | Strengthening the Philanthropic Evaluation Field
Walton Family Foundation

In early 2021, the Walton Family Foundation's Strategy, Learning and Evaluation Department undertook a team-based process of identifying areas of the larger philanthropic evaluation field that the foundation can support, learn from and provide some level of leadership to as it develops and streng

April 2021 | Student Loan Outcomes of Ontario Transfer Students
Ontario Council on Articulation & Transfer (ONCAT)

One of the main drivers of transfer pathway development across various jurisdictions has been the potential cost savings or ‘efficiencies’ of seamless transfer. Broadly speaking, improving credit recognition shortens time-to-completion for transfer students, saving them both time and money.

April 2021 | The Role of Assistant Principals: Evidence and Insights for Advancing School Leadership
The Wallace Foundation & Mathematica

The number of assistant principals has grown markedly in recent years, and with reconsideration, the AP role could do more to help foster educational equity, school improvement and principal effectiveness.

April 2021 | Working to Learn: New Research on Connecting Education and Career
The Project on Workforce at Harvard University

In the wake of COVID-19 and growing inequality, America needs more pathways that bridge education and career.

March 2021 | 15 Million Infrastructure Jobs: An Economic Shot in the Arm to the COVID-19 Recession
Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce

A $1.5 trillion infrastructure program from the Biden-Harris administration would be good medicine to nurse the economic wounds inflicted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

March 2021 | 50-State Comparison: Private School Choice
Education Commission of the States

This resource provides information on state private school choice policies specific to vouchers, education savings accounts and scholarship tax credits. It highlights the various ways in which states approach specific private school choice policies.
