Resources from the Field

The views reflected in these publications are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Grantmakers for Education.

May 2021 | Out-of-School Time Programs This Summer: Paving the Way for Children to Find Passion, Purpose & Voice - Parent, Teacher & OST Provider Perceptions
The Wallace Foundation

New research sheds light on how parents, teachers and OST providers perceive the value of out-of-school time (OST) in children’s social, emotional and academic development.

May 2021 | Present Danger: Solving the Deepening Student Absenteeism Crisis

States and school districts nationwide have reported higher student absenteeism during the pandemic, with schools shuttered and families struggling with the often devastating consequences of Covid-19.

May 2021 | SHSF Public Transit Map
Seldin/Haring-Smith Foundation

The SHSF Public Transit Map offers a first look at public transportation accessibility at America’s community and technical colleges. Should a student need a car to get to community college?

May 2021 | The Community Ecocycle in Place-Based Systems Change: A Tool for Funder and Community Reflection and Action
Equal Measure and Mathematica

This tool is intended to help funders who have elected to invest in place-based systems change efforts in two ways. First, funders can use this tool to consider the dynamic, natural, and necessary developmental phases through which communities move.

May 2021 | The Cost of Economic and Racial Injustice in Postsecondary Education
Georgetown University Center On Education and the Workforce

In partnership with the Postsecondary Value Commission, CEW conducted a thought experiment on the costs of inequality in the U.S. education system. The simulation found that the U.S.

May 2021 | Your Youngest Learners: Increasing Equity in Early Intervention
The Education Trust

Early intervention is the key to setting children with delays and disabilities on a path to long-term success. Yet children of color face barriers to accessing these services.

May 2021 | Youth with Autism Benefit from Services that Improve Transitions to Adulthood

Youth with autism face particular challenges as they become adults.

April 2021 | Adult Education Strategies: Identifying and Building Evidence of Effectiveness

Nearly 43 million U.S. adults lack the basic English literacy skills required to succeed in the workforce and achieve economic self-sufficiency.

April 2021 | Black Faculty Are Vastly Underrepresented at Southern Colleges and Universities
Southern Regional Education Board

New data shows that the level of Black, Hispanic, and other underrepresented college faculty members is not keeping pace with the changing student demographics in many states.

April 2021 | Crowd-Sourced Data Supporting Student-Centered Learning
Students at the Center

As the number of schools, districts and states committed to student-centered, personalized learning practices grows, so does the evidence base.
