Resources from the Field

The views reflected in these publications are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Grantmakers for Education.

August 2021 | What to Expect as Gen Z Starts to Parent

How the future will unfold for today’s young children depends on a wide range of factors: climate change, technological developments, economic shifts, among others.

July 2021 | A Natural Fit: Supporting After-School Staff of Color in Teacher Pipelines
The Education Trust

Our report, A Natural Fit: Supporting After-School Staff of Color in Teacher Pipelines, examines the experiences of current and former teacher candidates of color with after-school or OST experience to provide insights into how teacher preparation programs and state policymakers can create the ri

July 2021 | An Evaluation of Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act Funding for Postsecondary Institutions

In March 2020, Congress passed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, an economic stimulus package designed to address the nationwide economic crisis created by the global COVID-19 pandemic.

July 2021 | National Summer Learning Week Programs Toolkit
National Summer Learning Association

The National Summer Learning Association has produced a program toolkit to help summer programs celebrate National Summer Learning Week. Resources include archived webinars, tip sheets for providers and parents and caregivers, and toolkits.

July 2021 | Navigating Social and Emotional Learning from the Inside Out
The Wallace Foundation

The field of social and emotional learning (SEL) is rapidly expanding, as educators bring a sharper focus to helping children build skills beyond academic knowledge.

July 2021 | Putting Data to Work for Young People: A Framework for Measurement, Continuous Improvement, and Equitable Systems
The Wallace Foundation

This tool and guidebook can help people assess afterschool systems, the programs within them and youth outcomes—in the interest of informing system improvements. ​

July 2021 | State Policy Options to Promote K-12 Integration
Education Commission of the States

Schools in the United States continue to be segregated by race and socioeconomic status, almost 70 years after the landmark Brown v. Board of Education ruling that aimed to desegregate schools.

July 2021 | Student Loan Debt Among Educators: A National Crisis
National Education Association

From pre-K to Ph.D., our right to learn, grow, and thrive should be based on how big we dream and how hard we work. But the astronomical cost of higher education—even public higher education—forces many students to either forego their education or be trapped in a lifetime of debt.

July 2021 | The Arts Advantage: Impacts of Arts Education on Boston Students

The findings from existing arts education research tend to be based on small correlational studies or randomized control trials of specific programs for short periods of time versus more generalizable arts education experiences in authentic school settings at scale.

July 2021 | The Cost of Economic and Racial Injustice in Postsecondary Education
Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce

In partnership with the Postsecondary Value Commission, Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce conducted a thought experiment on the costs of inequality in the US education system.
