Exclusive Opportunity for Members Only
We welcome proposals for case studies. The purpose of GFE case studies is to provide real-world lessons on education grantmaking that help funders reflect on specific practices that can deepen the impact of their investments and prepare for changes in the field.
Grantmakers for Education typically publishes one to three case studies each year that serve as teaching opportunities on current and pressing issues in education philanthropy and illustrate at least one of eight principles for effective grantmaking. Topics chosen may be related to the current year’s conference theme, but are not restricted to the theme. Case studies usually are presented at the GFE annual conference.
Grantmakers for Education reviews all requests and considers a number of factors in choosing a case study, such as relevance to current issues in education philanthropy, how well the topic illustrates our principles for education grantmaking, opportunities for grantmaker learning and the organization’s ability to fund the project. In addition, we look at the existing body of GFE case studies to weigh whether the proposed case will add a fresh perspective or new information.
The cost for Grantmakers for Education to complete a case study, including project management, research, writing and publication, typically runs between $25,000-35,000. Many organizations use their case for training and communication purposes once published.
To Submit:
We accept proposal submissions at any time. If interested, please contact Rebecca Smith, senior communications manager, at rsmith@edfunders.org.