Out-of-School Time Funder Learning Community on Public Financing
Program Dates
Third Wednesday, Monthly
What: GFE's Out-of-School Time Impact Group is partnering with Children's Funding Project to offer a four-part introductory funder learning series on public financing in which we will dive into how to engage in effective philanthropy to support strategic public financing for children and youth.
When: September 21, November 17, December 15, 2 p.m. - 3 p.m. ET (plus one additional date in early 2022).
Who: Open to GFE members who are funders.
How: If you'd like to join this learning community, please indicate your interest and commitment here.
Planned topics for the learning series:
- September 21 Focus: Understanding the Flow of Funding into States and Localities, guidance for funders to support understanding of a state-by-state and local view of ARPA funds, and strategies for supporting partners in planning and decision-making around encumbering and allocating funds in funder footprint communities.
- November 17 Focus: Philanthropic Responses for Supporting Early Efforts: Co-learning on early efforts to organize the philanthropic sector to respond to positioning providers to maximize opportunities in light of unprecedented federal investments, curating what we’re learning about the emerging philanthropic role from early childhood funders.
- December 15 Focus: Building OST-District/OST-Local Government Partnerships Around Public Financing: Strategic session about effective approaches for partnering with districts and local governments to position OST and advance a coordinated plan for use and allocation of public funds.
- Winter 2022 Focus: Provider Engagement for Equitable Funding Access: Discussion group to examine strategies and challenges to improving equitable access to public financing across the OST partner landscape, in conversation with providers across diverse contexts.