Connecting to Careers During a Health, Economic and Social Justice Crisis: Stories from IL, VT & DE

Conference Week Session
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The 2020 economy was already moving at a pace that was hard to predict or plan for, particularly for students of color and those who are poor, homeless, don’t speak English as a first language, or have a special need.
As we deal with the implications of COVID-19, social unrest and disparities in health, the US could face a 15-20% unemployment rate, making a focus on workforce development and career and technical education even more of a necessary pathway for those who are new or re-entering the workforce by providing training for potential new careers.
This session is an opportunity to hear stories around grantmaking practices designed to support grantees in building initiatives in a range of urban and rural communities, as well as in new virtual environments. More importantly, this session will allow other funders to explore how they can apply lessons in work-base learning in their own communities. Join national speakers and hear stories that represent unique pathways in creating access to workforce development.