2021 Education Grantmakers Institute

The Big Vision for the Next Stage of Education Philanthropy:
Supporting Equity, Innovation and Learning
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Join Grantmakers for Education for the 2021 Education Grantmakers Institute. Starting April 14, 2021, this six-week virtual program will feature weekly sessions from 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. guided by Harvard faculty that dig into essential issues and top priorities for education funders.
Last fall, Grantmakers for Education surveyed members and colleagues on their beliefs about where education philanthropy should focus as the education system recovers from the crises that have characterized the past year. This year’s Education Grantmakers Institute is built from the priorities voiced by education philanthropists. This premier professional development program enlists faculty from Harvard University and beyond to guide the process of learning through the lens of history and the latest research.
This past year marked an unexpected turning point in the way Americans learn and the way they will learn in the future. A global pandemic, racial reckoning, and economic crisis set the context for a year of turmoil across the education sector.
The potential for philanthropy to help shape the future of the American system of education has never been greater. Change is happening. But there is no guarantee that this change will result in improved and equitable educational outcomes for learners. Education funders must determine from an array of opportunities and needs where to focus their resources to leverage the change they hope to see in how our nation’s education system functions and serves learners going forward.
Together we will sharpen our collective agenda to support schools in the coming era. This is the moment for us to come together in service of a bold and inclusive vision for the future.