GFE's 16th Annual Conference

Embracing the Power of Education: Fulfilling the American Dream
Nearly 500 education grantmakers joined GFE at our 16th annual conference in New York City to embrace the power of education and explore education’s role in shaping and building the American dream.
Participants heard powerful stories and forward-thinking approaches to improving outcomes for all learners from a cadre of dynamic plenary speakers: Anthony Carnavale, Salman Khan, John Jackson, LaTonya Starks, William Strickland and Connie Yowell. We explored many issues through dozens of concurrent sessions—from engaging teachers in grantmakers’ initiatives to keeping our finger on the pulse of Common Core implementation, to strengthening the link between education and career.
We hope participants left inspired and energized to continue their work of transforming education and ensuring the American dream is an opportunity of all learners.
Presenting Sponsor
Supporting Sponsors
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation | Carnegie Corporation of New York | Citi Foundation | The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust | Open Society Foundations | Prudential Foundation
Contributing Sponsors
The Ball Foundation | S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation | JP Morgan Chase Foundation | Booth Ferris Foundation | W.K. Kellogg Foundation | The NEA Foundation | The New York Community Trust | Philanthropy New York | The Wallace Foundation