Webinar: Scaling Effective Professional Development for the Common Core: What Should Funders Look for to Support Effective Professional Development?

Funders across the country are committed to supporting teachers, schools, districts and states in the implementation of the Common Core. But what does that really mean and how can grantmakers ensure their investments are aligned with quality implementation? Scaling Effective Professional Development for the Common Core will focus on one of the most critical investments a grantmaker can make in implementation - high quality Common Core-aligned professional development.
The webinar will highlight practical tools and resources that can support local, regional and national funders in recognizing, investing in and scaling high-quality professional development. These tools include a proposal evaluation criteria for assessing the strength of professional development proposals and a template Request for Proposals.
The program will feature presentations by Learning Forward and Expeditionary Learning. Learning Forward will discuss their framework and approach to professional learning in support of Common Core implementation and Expeditionary Learning will share its model for professional development. Both organizations will offer guidance to grantmakers on ensuring purposeful investments.
This program will be moderated by Robert Sherman from Growth Philanthropy Network and featured speakers include:
Stephanie Hirsh, Executive Director
Learning Forward
Scott Hartl, President and CEO
Expeditionary Learning
This webinar is a continuation of GFE’s popular webinars based on its series of Funders Guides on the Common Core and is sponsored by the Common Core Funders Working Group and the Education Funders Strategy Group. Stay tuned to www.edfunders.org for future webinars and programming on this topic.
Save the Date - May 28, 2014 (registration opens April 28)
The second webinar in our 2014 Common Core series builds on the theme of supporting grantmakers in making investments aligned with quality implementation by focusing on the importance of high-quality instructional materials. This session will highlight the research on instructional materials, tools for assessing quality, and present current information on the state of alignment in the field. Funders can also look forward to hearing about educator engagement in recent state efforts to assess and select materials in the field.