OST Webinar | Defining Youth Outcomes for STEM Learning Afterschool

Out-of-school time (OST) can be fertile ground for science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) learning experiences. But what specific benefits for young people should OST STEM deliver, and how can they be measured? What are the implications for the role of OST STEM as schools align to the Common Core mathematics standards and consider the newly released Next Generation Science Standards?
Ron Ottinger
Executive Director, Noyce Foundation (Moderator)
Anita Krishnamurthi, PhD
STEM Director for the Afterschool Alliance and author of the January 2013 report, supported by the S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation and the Noyce Foundation, Defining Youth Outcomes for STEM Learning Afterschool.
Martin Storksdieck, PhD
Director of the Board on Science Education at the National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences. Martin also directs the NRC’s Roundtable on Climate Change Education. He oversees studies that address a wide range of issues related to science education and science learning, and provides evidence-based advice to decision-makers in policy, academia and educational practice.
Chad Ripberger
County 4-H Agent and department head for Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Mercer County in Trenton, New Jersey, director of the 4-H Science in Urban Communities project, and co-author of the Promising Practices Guide for 4-H Science in Urban Communities, a comprehensive resource including promising practices, case studies, and suggested resources in 15 content areas.
Presented by the OST Funder Network in partnership with the STEM Funders Network.