Why Summers Matter: Opportunities in the Summer Learning Landscape

Register here - When the school year ends, children in high-poverty environments struggle not only with basic needs like healthy food and safe places to spend their days, but also with losing precious time during the summer months to continue their learning. The cumulative effect is a crisis in the making: by the fifth grade, summer learning loss can leave low-income students two-and-a-half to three years behind their peers.
In this webinar, grantmakers will receive a brief overview of the summer learning landscape, including the research evidence that guides best practices. Three peer institutions in the summer learning field will share lessons learned from their experiences making grants to support a range of summer programs, research, communications and advocacy initiatives.
The webinar will close with an opportunity for attendees to ask questions and respond to the presentation. Created in partnership with the National Summer Learning Association.
Registration is open; closes April 9.