The State of Education Philanthropy

Program Dates 
December 2, 2019 - ongoing

Grantmakers for Education released the results of its10th anniversary education philanthropy benchmarking survey, Trends in Education Philanthropy: Benchmarking 2018-19. The results point to several important trends in education giving that have implications for learners across the nation. At regional events around the country, we are continuting to present the trends and facilitate a public conversation with leading philanthropists and nonprofits about what the trends mean and whether we, as a field, are heading in the right direction.

Upcoming events:

  • Louisville, Kentucky - December 2, 12:00 - 2:00 p.m. ET. Join The C.E. and S. Foundation for a lunch and conversation featuring GFE Executive Director Celine Coggins. Celine will provide a review of the recent trends as seen in our benchmarking survey, and engage in dialogue with the funding community. RSVP here by November 26.

If you're interested in hosting a State of Education Philanthropy event, please contact our programs team at