Every Hour Counts Funder Convening

Program Dates 
Wednesday, August 3, 2016

On August 3, 2016 as a part of the Every Hour Counts Third Annual System-Building Institute in Chicago, Illinois, we are sponsoring a funder convening focused on strategies for increasing quality in OST programs and systems. This session will draw from the Funders’ Guide to Quality in Out-of-School Time and dive deeply into quality components that are challenging to implement and advance, including professional development and workforce supports, and organizational capacity building. We will also explore larger systemic issues discussed by funders and intermediary leaders at the Every Hour Counts 10-Year Convening and featured in a new report by Every Hour Counts on the intersection between access, quality and equity, and what it means to invest in quality programs and systems that garner social and emotional learning outcomes, integrate with K-12, improve school climate.

As a member of Grantmakers for Education, we’re offering you the opportunity to participate in one full day of the System-Building Institute free of charge (August 3). The Institute will bring together leadership teams from 15 communities, with a priority on communities from the Midwest, to tap the expertise of Every Hour Counts partner organizations and to build on one another’s ideas for developing and strengthening after-school, summer and expanded learning programs that engage community partners and schools. The Institute will explore system-building challenges and hot issues, including governance structures, sustainability, scaling high-quality practices, and defining and measuring success. The Institute is being co-hosted in partnership with After School Matters.

Space is limited. We encourage you to register as soon as possible.