Creative Youth Development Learning Series: Trends in CYD Development Programs

Youth Agency, Equity and Justice
Register here for Trends in Creative Youth Development Programs. Join us for a series of national conversations as we prepare for Grantmakers for Education's annual conference. All young people deserve to have equitable opportunities to reach their creative potential, live richer and fuller lives, and develop the critical life skills they need to become active contributors in their communities.
CREATIVE YOUTH DEVELOPMENT is the intentional integration of arts learning and youth development principles and has implications across many funding areas such as social-emotional learning, higher education access, and early childhood and K-12 transformation.
A multi-year partnership project, led by GFE member Americans for the Arts, recently created a set of written briefs authored by field experts as part of the first phase of a creative youth development toolkit for the field.
THE LEARNING SERIES* is a set of dynamic online conversations with youth, experts, funders and practitioners based on the briefs. We will explore new paths forward for supporting youth through creative youth development practice. The series will dive into the conference theme, what it means to support students in overcoming adversity, through approaches centered on agency, justice and equity.
Second in the series:
"Trends in Creative Youth Development Programs" (Focus on Equity)
August 28, 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. ET, Free
Creative youth development (CYD) practitioners are committed to reflection and ongoing refinement, to programs being actively shaped by young people, and being connected to and a reflection of their communities. Therefore, CYD program practices are continuously in development.
Join us for an overview of the soon-to-be published Trends in CYD Programs landscape analysis from Americans for the Arts and the Creative Youth Development National Partnership. During the webinar, researcher Denise Montgomery of CultureThrive will discuss five current trends in CYD program development. These five trends include: Holistic Approaches Growing as Needs Grow, Collaboration Across Sectors, New Generation of Program Staff with New Approaches, Scaling by Depth, and Establishing Creative Career Pathways. Denise also will be joined by two field experts, who will share their perspectives as practitioners and who will bring depth and dimension to this national conversation.
Read the "Trends in CYD Programs" landscape analysis paper in advance of the webinar here.
View full speaker bios and register here.
Mark your calendars for following:
September 24, 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. ET: “Working in Social Justice” (Focus on Justice)
*This virtual learning series is brought to you by the Creative Youth Development National Partnership in collaboration with the Grantmakers for Education Arts Education Impact Group. It is hosted by the National Guild for Community Arts Education and made possible by generous support from the Clare Rose Foundation.