Changing the Game: The Impact of Affordability & Student Financial Stability

Program Dates 
October 15, 2017

Join this workshop on postsecondary affordability held in Washington, D.C. just prior to Grantmakers for Education's annual conference in the conference hotel. The workshop is free and open to members of Grantmakers for Education. The program is presented by the Grantmakers for Education Postsecondary Access and Attainment Impact Group.

At a time when a postsecondary credential is vital to nearly every American, far too many find success unattainable due to rising costs and increasing levels of unmet, and often unanticipated, need. More than one-third of undergraduates qualify as low income; many struggle to meet day-to-day needs such as food, housing, transportation, and child care; and academically talented students in the lowest income bracket graduate at a rate of only 26 percent, significantly lower than the lowest academically performing students from wealthy families.

This workshop will:

  • Illuminate the importance of affordability and student financial stability as an imperative for increasing postsecondary student completion.
  • Identify evidence-based challenges/obstacles within the postsecondary context responsible for the income gaps in attainment.
  • Create a shared understanding of efforts/initiatives focused on affordability and student financial stability across the field.
  • Begin to cultivate a network of funders engaged in work to support the success of low income students.

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