EPWG Webinar | What Does "Career" Mean in "College- and Career-Ready?"

Program Dates 
Monday, April 29 | 11:30 am - 12:45 pm Pacific

Career readiness has become a common education reform phrase, but what exactly does it mean? Who is it for? The nation needs a more broadly shared understanding of the skills and interventions that prepare young people for work or we risk marginalizing this important outcome beneath commonly used, but not well understood, rhetoric.

It is increasingly clear that all US students in fact must graduate high school ready for some post-secondary education—whether skills certification, two-year college, four-year university, or other innovative training—to succeed in the new economy. How can grantmakers leverage practice and policy reforms to put “career” into “college- and career-readiness?” Learn more about the what, why, who, and how of career-ready reforms in this webinar featuring principles, examples, and discussion of career readiness from leading funders and grantees.


Anne Stanton
Program Director, James Irvine Foundation (Moderator)

Brad Stam
Vice President, Chief Operating Officer, ConnectEd

Jay Banfield
Executive Director, San Francisco Bay Area Year Up Program

This webinar is presented by GFE's Education Policy Working Group.