EPWG Webinar | High Impact Engagement

From headlines to community frontlines, the Common Core State Standards have everyone talking and many in the education philanthropy community are eager to provide support. Anticipating this, Grantmakers for Education, with support from the Helmsley Charitable Trust, began developing a series of Common Core Funders Guides in January of this year. The first guide examined the development and impact of the new standards in K-12 schools. The second explored what the standards mean for education grantmaking. The third and final guide—which will be released following this program—will delve into what school systems need to succeed and how philanthropy can help.
Our High Impact Engagement webinar will focus on the unique and powerful role grantmakers can play leveraging untapped strengths in garnering support for the standards in their communities and in supporting states, districts, schools, and practitioners in meeting the challenges and complexities of implementation.
This webinar is presented by Grantmakers for Education's Education Policy Working Group with the generous support of the Helmsley Charitable Trust. Sign up early, space is limited.
Featured Speakers
Barbara Chow
Program Director, Education Program, The William & Flora Hewlett Foundation
Chris Minnich
Executive Director, The Council of Chief State School Officers
Bill Porter
Partner, Education First
Matt Gandal
President, Education Strategy Group
Rates & Registration
Free to GFE members
Nonmembers: $40
Registration closes end of day Monday, November 18, 2013.