2014 Education Grantmakers Institute May 5-7, 2014

Grantmakers for Education’s national network of philanthropists will gather at Harvard Graduate School of Education (HGSE) to push beyond the boundaries facing educators today and focus on the future of education. Participants will inquire into growing issues of inequity in education and cutting-edge, personalized approaches to learning with the potential to level the playing field and dramatically impact achievement. They will probe into the unique role of public policy and partnerships in building sustainable systems that set students up for success.
During this rigorous three-day institute—a collaboration between HGSE and GFE—participants join Harvard faculty and expert practitioners in exploring vital questions and concerns regarding present practices and future challenges. The institute is carefully designed to engage participants through the review of case studies—exploring realistic, complex, and contextually rich situations. How are stakeholders preparing students for an unknown future? How do philanthropists plan for sustainable investments? Featuring leading scholars and researchers as faculty and creating ample discussion and action planning opportunities in a highly participatory environment, this program lays the groundwork for new learnings and future collaboration.
Program Objectives
- Understand the philosophical and legal puzzles inherent in the pursuit of equity in education;
- Understand the implications of new technology for the delivery of more personalized learning;
- Examine projected demographic changes and understand the opportunities and challenges for English Language Learners;
- Explore building leadership capacity to support the sustained work of policy implementation; and
Learn how philanthropists can play a key role in shaping the future of learning by supporting the careful scaling of model programs and by supporting policy development and implementation.
Faculty Chair
James Honan is Senior Lecturer on Education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Honan’s teaching and research interests include financial management of nonprofit organizations, organizational performance measurement and management and higher-education administration. Honan serves as a consultant on strategic planning, resource allocation and performance measurement and management to numerous colleges, universities, schools and nonprofit organizations, both nationally and internationally.
$1,250 (members)
$1,500 (non-members)
Limited to 50 participants
Registration is now closed. To be added to the waitlist, click here to visit the event website or email programs@edfunders.org.
Thank you for your interest.